Frying, Sauteing, Browning

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Sapin-Sapin Recipe

Today we will feature the making of Sapin-Sapin which most of the people enjoyed to cook and eat. Sapin-Sapin was originated from the northern part of the Philippines, the province of Abra.

Sapin-Sapin Ingredients: 
  • 1 1/2 cups malagkit dough (galapong)
  • 1/2 cup rice galapong
  • 2 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 3 cups cooked ubi (mashed)
  • grated coconut
  • 4 cups thick coconut cream (from 2-3 coconuts)
  • 2 cans (big) condensed milk
  • food coloring; violet & egg-yellow
Sapin-Sapin Cooking Instructions:
  • Blend all ingredients except mashed ubi and food coloring.

Divide Into 3 Parts:

    • To one part – add mashed ubi. To heighten the color of the ubi, add a dash of violet food coloring. Mix well. To 2nd part – add egg-yellow coloring. Mix well. To 3rd part – just plain white, nothing to add.

  • Grease a round baking pan. Line with banana leaves and grease the leaves. Then, pour in ubi mixture. Spread evenly. Steam for 30 minutes or more, until firm. Note: cover the baking pan with cheese cloth before steaming.
  • Pour 2nd layer on top of the cooked ubi. Cover again and steam for 30 minutes.
  • Lastly, pour in 3rd layer or the plain mixture. Again, steam for 30 minutes or until firm.
  • Meanwhile, fry the grated coconut until brown and put on top of the sapin-sapin.
  • Cool before slicing.
Estimated cooking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

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