• 1 kilo ube yam root
• 1/2 cup butter or margarine
• 1 can (14 ounces) evaporated milk
• 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla (optional)
• 2 cans (12 ounces) condensed milk
Halayang Ube Cooking Instructions:
1. Estimated preparation and cooking time: 2 hours
2. Boil the unpeeled ube yam in water and simmer for 30 minutes on a pot. Drain and let cool.
3. Peel and thinly grate the ube yam.
4. Heat a big wok in medium heat.
5. Melt butter or margarine, add the condensed milk and vanilla flavoring. Mix well.
6. Add the 1 kilo grated ube yam. Adjust the heat to low
7. Keep on mixing the ingredients for about 30 minutes or until sticky and a bit dry (but still moist).
8. Add the evaporated milk and continue to mix for another 15 minutes.
9. Let cool and place on a large platter.
10. Refrigerate before serving the halayang ube.

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