Avocados will not ripen on the tree. They must be picked from the tree to initiate ripening. The leaves supply a substance that prevents ripening. The best way to store avocados is to leave them on the tree; they will store for 7 months or more when left on the tree.
• Storage below 40 degrees F or above 70 degrees F will cause rot.
• Some varieties will spoil below 50 degrees.
• Ripen at room temperature (60 - 70 degrees F), then store at 45 degrees F.
Avoid: Avocados with dark sunken spots in irregular patches or cracked or broken surfaces. These are signs of decay.
An extra tip: When preparing avocados, to avoid the browning of avocado flesh when exposed to air, immediately place the peeled fruit in lemon juice until ready for use.
Avocados are about 22% fat, with the average medium size avocado containing 300 calories and 30 grams of fat.
Avocados are loaded with nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and folate. They're also cholesterol and sodium free. Avocados contain 60% more potassium per ounce than bananas. This fruit is an excellent source of monounsaturated fat.
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